The influence of numbers as symbols cannot be underestimated.
The Dow Jones suddenly fell 777 points, being a 7% drop, when the measure of $700 billion bailout was refused.
The Russian War in Georgia commenced on 8/8/08.
7 is generally seen as a lucky number. The appearance of it may well be a good sign, showing that democracy was still active even faced with terrible threats. Or of course, it may have all been engineered. Etith way, it is significant.
Also, the Russian war with Georgia could be with Gog- take away the 'ia' that denotes a country and you have Georg- basically an accented 'Gog'. There is even such a place named around there. How does one find this- through using the internet, via Google Earth- another 'Gog'- as this is no doubt the time and one of the mechanisms for unmasking these entities.
Any meaning? For sure, but the pattern is not complete. Writing here it seems more positive than before, when it was all a conspiracy for me- yet this could well be the forces that can limit and ultimately defeat the Illuminatti, or whoever. Despite being clever and enginneering a financial collapse so as to have a better reason to 'take over for the common good', they ultimately cannot win. God, as shown in us as the spirti of Humanity will never stand for it. Even many of their number may at any time defect- yet the story will not be complete until every detail has been unveiled.
God save us from craziness, keep our eyes open to see what is true, oh Lord!
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