Ever since I saw '24', I've seen a rash of TV shows from the US portraying graphic torture scenes with hardly any moral examination. The torturer is often portrayed as a dutiful man doing what needs to be done, and I am expected to draw some vicarious enjoyment, mixed with my natural horror for what is going on.
Torture has to be rejected, as not only does it breach basic human rights, including those protecting against 'cruel and unusual punishments', but is also counter-productive. Information gained could well be wrong (something the TV shows shy away from) and the tortured is sure to be an implacable enemy, in the political field if not becoming a terrorist/torturer himself.
To be fair to the shows, my window into the American psyche, they generally have an awareness that it is wrong. But by consistently portraying it as effective, they are essentially attempting to legitimise it. Morally speaking, how is that essentially different from TV programs in the Islamic world, trying to justify suicide bombers by calling them martyrs?
If it's said that the torturers are trying to save lives, well then the counterproductive potential of it should be noted. No doubt it's use can be related to the growth of 'insurgencies' being faced, but this recieves little press. Let us remember that the so-called 'protectors' in the CIA et all, helped and armed the followers of a younger Bin Ladin and Saddam Hussein- forces that the regular US forces later confronted. Their excuse of a near-incompetent 'not knowing what would happen' have to be taken with a grain of salt, or two. They are professionals, right, why else would they dabble in such 'dark magic'. Apparently, evidence is even emerging that they funded the early Viet Cong- all of which makes me wonder. Could the dependence of the military-industrial complex for 'hot wars' to try out new tactics and machinery play some part in this? No-one with any sense would confront the vast armies of the US.
Even a child can see that evil means lead to similar ends. The law of karma won't be abrogated just for 'special countries' like the US. It may not effect them directly, but it will certainly affect those they are trying to protect. So it is quite sad that the freedom-loving US is trying to see if the means of tyrants can prove effective. They will have to find other ways to deal with implacable opponents.
We made a film precisely because of your concerns.
It is called 'The Torturer': A Terrifying New Thriller starring Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura, 'Star Trek'!)
We hope you will check it out and spread the word:
Shameless Self Promotion Signature:
"Y'all in the mood for some war-horror after Tarantino's INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS? Well have a look at Graham Green's debut feature THE TORTURER." - JoBlo Movie Network
"A Breathtaking Psychological Thriller!" Emmy Award Winning Entertainment Reporter Kirk Montgomery, KUSA-TV, NBC Denver
TRAILER: http://bit.ly/TorturerTrailer
TEASER Trailer (DO NOT WATCH if you do not want to see something really, TRULY scary): http://bit.ly/TorturerTeaser
Also Available:
AMAZON: http://bit.ly/TorturerAmazon2
BARNES & NOBLE: http://bit.ly/TorturerBarnesNoble
NETFLIX: http://bit.ly/TorturerNetflix
BLOCKBUSTER: http://bit.ly/TorturerBlockbuster
WEBSITE: http://thetorturer.com
DEMAND IT!: http://bit.ly/TorturerDemandit
HOST A SCEENING: http://thetorturer.bravenewtheaters.com/host
Thanks for dropping by, I'll be sure to see it now I've seen the trailer. I hope people can wake up and rid themselves of the 'wrong is right if it seems like you can make a fast buck' mentality that we've been brainwashed with over the past few decades, as it truly is nonsense.
Making light of the whole thing, to the point of ridicule could be a very helpful approach. Some of the best critics of Bush and his cronies are the comics- as we love to laugh but loath a lecture.
I'm more of a moraliser than an entertainer on this blog (well, I like to think of myself as a prophet actually), but I do accept that people need entertainment and that the medicine goes down a lot smoother if it's accompanied by a spoonful of sugar. So assuming that's what you are all about, I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing the film!
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